
Showing posts with the label Swash

[ngoob] Download Hundred Miracles fonts from Mans Greback

Hundred Miracles Hundred Miracles is a bold and colorful calligraphy typeface. With a confident flow, its soft, expressive letterforms dances across the baseline and is pleasant to read and fun to look at. Hundred Miracles consists of two styles: the Regular style, with the characteristic swashes and decorations, and the Plain style, that is more subtle and controlled. Using them together results in a calligraphic artwork with a truly customized appearance. Use underscore _ anywhere in a word to make a swash. Example: Hun_dred Use multiple underscores for different swashes. Example: Mira___cles (Download required.) The font is built with advanced OpenType functionality and has a guaranteed top-notch quality, containing stylistic and contextual alternates, ligatures and more features; all to give you full control and customizability. It has extensive lingual support, covering all Latin-based languages, from North Europe to South Africa, from America to South-East Asia. It contai...

Jossie fonts from Olivetype - (hhqls)

Jossie Jossie is a cool brush font. The style is a little bit rough, suitable for all of your logos, branding, social media, and crafty DIY projects. Features : Basic Latin A-Z & a-z Numbers Symbols, and punctuations Ligatures and swashes Multilingual support: from Afrikaans Albanian Catalan Danish to Dutch English Spanish Swedish Zulu. Accented Characters : ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØŒŠÙÚÛÜŸÝŽàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøœšùúûüýÿžß Thank you Jossie Download Now View Gallery

Download Apresia Script Font Family From Asritype

Download Apresia Script Font Family From Asritype Inspired by various shapes such as leaves, flowers, hearts etc., Apresia Script is harmonically crafted. My first intention is only for standard design, but, later added simpler characters for normal(standard) typings. Apresia Script is rich with capital letter variants and ornaments. There are also lowercase variants in lesser numbers. I assume that many or perhaps most people want to have their name or the other of their important designs to be written with some letters that are in various shapes harmoniously. Apresia Script with more then 4000 glyphs support this aim, also support many latin based languages. However, because of many variations, except the standard characters, the full marked capitals are only set in two variants; in ss01 and ss02, which is also some marked lowercases included here. Swash variants (swsh) consist only one variant of every uppercase and lowercase characters...

Download Astonice Font Family From Asritype

Download Astonice Font Family From Asritype Astonice is a beautiful calligraphy font family with 3 weight variants: Regular, Semibold and Bold. Astonice has more than 1100 glyphs each, has opentype feature such as stylistic sets, stylistic alternatives, and old number form. Astonice supports a wide range language: Latin plus Greek and Cyrillic. Astonice is suitable for most typing and design such as cards, logos, banner, posters and others as you intended. Beautiful glyphs, OpenType features and 3 weight, Astonice provide you the right choice for your best design. Download Astonice Font Family From Asritype Download Now View Gallery