Download Minehead Fonts Family From Hanoded

As a family, we love to go camping. We have a big Norwegian tunnel tent (4 season - with room for a wood stove), some really warm down sleeping bags and a primitive field kitchen. Even though our camping trips are usually devoid of luxury, the kids love them! We always choose campsites that are close to nature, like a national park or in the mountains.
A couple of years ago, we toured the southern part of England and one of our camping stops was in Exmoor National Park. Minehead is a small coastal town, not far from where we camped, so I named this font after a fond memory!
Minehead is a handmade display font. It was loosely based on Haettenschweiler.
Use it for your packaging, your tourist information leaflets and your book covers.
And do visit Minehead one day!